Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tweet Tweet

58. Create a Twitter

Okay. I honestly never really wanted to have a twitter. I thought it was the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. All these people of youtube have one and they are always pleading with people to follow its become a mantra for these people. I finally got one though. If anyone wants to follow me go to woo...not.

p.s ok this sounds a bit harsh...i've actually kind of had the inkling to get a twitter for awhile now. I don't really know why. I could never really force myself to get one though...I'm actually starting to like it...damn my weak resolve.


  1. I think the trick is using it right... My friend and I follow a lot of local tweeters and have joined them for theater shows and dinner :)

    Some funny tweeters you may or may not like:
    The Bloggess
    Secret Tweet

  2. ooo thanks for the suggestions. i'm really starting to enjoy having one. i'm actually following some of the people i watch on youtube. i just have to find all my friends on there lol
