Sunday, August 30, 2009

Updated List

101 Tasks to Complete in 1001 Days:
You will know my tasks are completed when they get italicized
  1. Sketch an idea for a tattoo
  2. Get a tattoo
  3. Get hired for a job and keep it for at least a year [0/12]
  4. Finish my two year education at Tacoma Community College with a G.P.A of at least 3.8 [0/2]
  5. Get accepted into at least three schools to transfer to [0/3]
  6. Re-read the Harry Potter Series [0/7]
  7. Re-read the Twilight Series [0/4]
  8. Read the Anne Rice series “The Vampire Chronicles” [0/10]
  9. Lose at least 50 pounds [0/50]
  10. Be in a musical at Tacoma Musical Playhouse
  11. See Legally Blond the Musical at the 5th Ave. Theater in Seattle
  12. See Wicked at the Paramount Theater in Seattle
  13. See an Opera
  14. Receive a scholarship from the Pride Foundation of Seattle (I have two chances)
  15. Find a Boyfriend
  16. [Private]
  17. Move out of my parents house
  18. Cook my way through my Dessert cookbook (inspired by Julie/Julia yes) [1/138]
  19. Visit Canada
  20. Paint/redecorate my room
  21. Learn how to properly use my Chinese calligraphy set (It’s really hard)
  22. Keep a New Year’s revolution for at least 6 months [0/6] (Don’t know what it’s going to be yet)
  23. Take the Human Autopsy course (Bio 280) at TCC
  24. Learn how to draw decently (not sure how I will measure this)
  25. Join a bowling league and win first place!
  26. Fold 1000 cranes [0/1000]
  27. Visit Forks, Washington
  28. Have a murder mystery party
  29. Attend Emerald City Comicon
  30. Send a postcard to
  31. Attend a concert
  32. Wax my back
  33. Record a vlog and post it on youtube once a month chronicling my experience [0/33]
  34. Read a manga series
  35. Visit Paris
  36. Apply to the TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korean) Program
  37. Learn Yoga
  38. Attend a Renaissance Fair
  39. Memorize my favorite poem
  40. Send a message in a bottle
  41. Learn how to ski
  42. Learn sign language
  43. Buy a pair of designer jeans
  44. Attend Seattle Gay Pride in only a pair of underwear…and maybe some body glitter
  45. Have $3000 dollars in savings by June 2010 [0/$0000]
  46. Leave anonymous notes places that can inspire people (
  47. Paint a painting
  48. Have a valentine for Valentine’s Day
  49. Visit San Francisco
  50. Go shopping in Oregon (No Sales Tax)
  51. Reach 100 Karma on Plurk [68.60/100]
  52. Eat at the Melting Pot
  53. Create my own cologne
  54. Go to the gym at least 3x a week [6/429 times]
  55. Go to a Gay Club
  56. Get a cartilage piercing
  57. Volunteer at a hospital
  58. Create a Twitter
  59. Donate to a local charity
  60. See a Musical on Broadway
  61. Meet a man named Alejandro
  62. Join an a cappella group
  63. Audition for the Seattle Men’s Chorus
  64. Audition for the Tacoma Musical Playhouse (again)
  65. Read House of Spirits
  66. Wrap presents myself at Christmas
  67. Go kayaking or canoeing
  68. Make my own sushi
  69. Go skinny dipping
  70. Rent a Cabin
  71. Go to sleep before 2am for one month [0/30]
  72. Receive a 4.0 for a quarter in college
  73. Go to a hookah bar
  74. Try fugu
  75. Ask someone out for coffee
  76. Own a Wii
  77. Buy a new DDR dance pad
  78. Get a new cell phone
  79. Go inner tubing
  80. Get a haircut like the one shown in the next entry.
  81. Makeout with 4 different people in one night
  82. Win at Monopoly
  83. Learn how to use photoshop
  84. Be tan for once in my life
  85. Visit family in Minnesota
  86. Go to the Mall of America
  87. Cook an ostrich egg
  88. Eat at 5 new restaurants [1/5]
  89. Go Geocashing
  90. Get my teeth whitened
  91. Make my own gelato
  92. Tip 100% to an amazing waiter/waitress
  93. Finish the 5,000 question survey [100/5000]
  94. Make a new friend
  95. Take a photo once a day of something that makes me happy [13/1001]
  96. Cook for my family once a month for the entire time [0/33]
  97. Participate in the Day of Silence
  98. Read a book in French
  99. Read the Bible
  100. Don’t eat fast food for 30 days straight (that includes pizza) [0/30]
  101. Make another list 101 in 1001

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